Related Events

In the last few years, the number of workshops and symposiums related to the IoT and CPS have been growing rapidly.

The workshop of Software Engineering for Smart Cyber-Physical Systems (SEsCPS) will be held at ICSE’18 for the fourth consecutive times. This workshop deals with the broader topics in software engineering.

In other domains of Computer Science, there has been three workshops with specific focus on only security and privacy of the IoT and CPS.

In 2017, the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing had a special track on the Internet of Things. The topics of the workshop ranged from software engineering to security, privacy and machine/deep learning.

In addition, two other venues of interest focus primarily on something that is an important cross cutting concern within the IoT and CPS space. First, the long-running Requirements Engineering and Law workshop (RELAW) held for the last ten years at RE. RELAW focused on the requirements engineering challenges associated with building or maintaining information systems that must comply with laws, regulations, and policies, including: balancing privacy and security, patient medical records, corporate governance, and ambiguity stemming from evolving regulations, technologies, and societies. Many IoT and CPS devices are deployed in regulated environments, like healthcare settings. Other IoT and CPS devices create brand new regulatory challenges, like drone-based delivery of goods or managing traffic flow in a large city.

Second, the Software Engineering in Society track at ICSE addresses the challenges of rapid technological advances in software systems that affect society, including economic, political, environmental, social, and technical aspects of society. IoT and CPS devices, and the associated data analysis of the information they collect, manage, and store, certainly qualify for this.

Although RIOT does not focus primarily on regulatory, ethical, or societal concerns, we firmly believe researchers submitting publications to these venues are part of our target audience.